Friday, July 25, 2008

Officially Newlyweds!

Wow... Its been quite a ride! We are soo happy that we are finally husband and wife. From the wedding preparation to the actually day was fantastic. I think I only cried like twice. Thats good right? Haha. Really, it was so great to have all of our loved one around to support us. I'm pretty sure I owe my life to a couple people but they may just have to settle for some cookies and a thank you card, haha. It was great especially to have my family from North Carolina by my side. I love them so so much! Truly Lucas and I are so grateful for family. The new family and friends that we have come to love so much and the same family and friends we have always loved! Its funny how big occasions like weddings make you realize how much you have.. And we are rich. The temple was absolutely amazing and it truly is the most important part of the day(advice to future brides). Lucas and I are so lucky to have eachother. I'm just glad he said YES.. Haha. The luncheon was perfect and the food was amazing. Especially the sandwhich spread( Good Job Laci, Mom, and Kayla). Both Open House and Reception were exceptional..thanks to our family and friends. We are very lucky. Lucas planned an excellent honeymoon to Lake Tahoe. We stayed in a condo right on top of the moutain on California/Nevada border. We went on a dinner dance cruise on the Lake one night, we went to a couple movies everyday, we gambled a little shhh(we came out $90 on top!), ate at some excellent places and made breakfast every morning together. Ahhh.. Lovely.He's a dreamboat.. Since we have been back we moved into our apartment on campus and have been working away, trying to remember to put the dishes in the dishwasher (Holly) and trying to remember to put the toilet seat down(Ummm.. Lucas) hahaha. But all in all living the dream everyday. Love Love